
Posts Tagged ‘time’

Within 24 hours an effin dragon rears its ugly head

August 10, 2010 Leave a comment
It is amazing to see reality hit me in the face. Within 24 hours of posting about slaying effin dragons, I had the opportunity to take my own advice. There I am sitting at the dinner table with my wife and we are talking. Then all of a sudden a dragon rears its venomous head.

Before I tell you about the dragon, permit me to give you a little background as to why I helped this one hatch. I am not one who is known for sitting still. I have to constantly be doing something. Even when I am on an exercise bike or treadmill, I have to read a book. Or, if I am out jogging, I have to be listening to something productive on the iPod. I really have a hard time sitting still. I would love to blame it on the motor tick but that is not always the case.

So back to the story, there I am sitting at the dinner table and the “I’ve got to be doing something” bug hits. At about the same time, so does the latest dragon. This dragon comes in the form of time and presence. It was brought to my attention that I don’t spend enough time with my wife. Time can actually be just sitting and saying nothing (the bane of hyperactivity). Men there are some women who enjoy simply being in your presence with absolutely nothing going on. I know how hard that might be to imagine, but it is the truth.

After a long conversation about how important time and presence is, it is now time to practice what I preach. Will I be another typing head on WordPress or will I try to be the man I know I should be? Of course, the answer is obvious, both. I need to start paying more attention to the things that really matter.

Finally I don’t believe that people should change who they are, but they should grow. Growth should also be in a positive direction. Here is a chance. I’ll keep ya posted.