
Posts Tagged ‘science’

The Baby is due in six weeks

August 16, 2010 Leave a comment
Six more weeks and I will get to hold our baby for the first time.  I don’t know how you feel about miracles, but there are some things in life that just go beyond the science for me. We have had the benefit of access to an ultrasound machine since the beginning and have gotten to watch the progress of the little one throughout the whole pregnancy.

At 8 weeks, I got to see our little one for the first time. The little one was not much bigger than a pea. However, there is a heart beating and movement. It was an amazing thing to see.

As the weeks progress, things started to come into focus. The head, spinal cord and eventually the arms, legs, hands and feet. We got to see hands open and close, legs straighten out and bend again, and at one point we even got to see the eyes open and close.

We are 32 weeks along as of this Sunday. Six more weeks to go and we can feel the little one kicking, moving and getting ready for the ride of a lifetime. Like most couples we are hoping for a non-eventful and safe delivery. No c-section or trauma. My wife is a warrior woman, So, I am not worried about her. If she has her way, she will be working all the way up to the time of the delivery.

I love to joke with my wife about the delivery and how it will be perceived from the little one’s perspective. One of my favorite things to mess with her about is whale speak. If you have ever see Finding Nemo, then you know about the scene where Dory starts speaking whale. I have adopted that for the little one’s entrance into the world. The little one, in whale speak, will  be saying, “I’m coming out, which way?” To which I will respond in whale speak, “Follow the light!” It always gets a laugh out of my wife and at this stage, it is the best medicine that I can offer.

That’s it for me today. It is a pretty quiet day even though I have a lot of work to do. This week is the calm before the storm as classes start next week. Looking forward to 17 hours. Whew this is going to be one whirlwind of a semester.